Hey there..

I'm Wendy Beth

Discover the Secret

of Living a Life with


Hey there..

I'm Wendy Beth

Discover the Secret

of Living a Life with Passion!

A Few Words About Wendy Beth

Wendy Beth keeps her promises. She is a fellow traveler, speaker, #1 International Bestselling author, and Soul Guide. Her purpose and passion are to help others work through confusion, loss, and suicidal ideation–issues she faced and overcame, eventually creating her happily ever after! 

After uncovering the dark lies she was raised with, she found empowered truth to live from. She intuitively discovered and then further designed a unique Living Blueprint, which she lives daily and now shares with others through the book Living Blueprint - A True Story. Five Principles to Creating an Authentic Joy-filled Life. 

Utilizing her family science degree, Wendy Beth offers her own real, raw story and a powerful, practical 40-day journey to help you gain traction toward what you want most in your life. Her work guides others into a world of choice, safety, belonging, and unapologetic authenticity, ultimately allowing them to create their own happily ever after.

And here's how it all started...

After hitting rock bottom at 21 and surviving suicide, I spent nearly three decades as a dedicated wife and mother, striving to create a happy family. But despite my efforts, I felt trapped in a lonely marriage and suffocated by isolation. Each day felt like a relentless cycle of caring for others while neglecting my own voice, and my own needs leaving me feeling invisible and empty inside. I longed for connection and meaning, but the weight of my responsibilities seemed insurmountable. It was like being stuck in a never-ending loop, unable to break free from the patterns that kept me feeling unfulfilled and disconnected.

It wasn't until a heartbreaking moment at my youngest child’s graduation in 2017,  that I realized something had to change. As I listened to her poignant words, expressing her pain and longing for her absent father, I felt a deep ache in my heart. I knew then that I couldn't continue living a lie, pretending everything was okay when it clearly wasn't. The fear of hurting my children and failing as a wife paralyzed me, but the thought of continuing to live a life devoid of authenticity was even more unbearable.

Confronted with the choice to stay in a paralyzed life or break free, I faced my fears head-on and filed for divorce. It was a terrifying leap into the unknown, but I knew I couldn't continue sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of others. As I navigated the tumultuous waters of divorce and self-discovery, I found solace in my faith and the unwavering love of my children.

Through self-care, reflection, and embracing my authentic self, I embarked on a journey of transformation. 2 years later, in 2019, sitting on a beach in Spain, with the warm sun on my skin and the gentle sound of waves in the background, I felt a sense of peace and clarity wash over me. I had emerged from the darkness, stronger and more resilient than ever before. In that moment, I made a choice—to share my newfound happiness and wisdom with others, to be a beacon of hope for those navigating their own storms, to help others NOT HAVE TO MAKE THE LIFE SHATTERING DECISION THAT I MADE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.

I want you to know that there is a solution and there is hope for change. I didn't have to choose between myself and my family, between my own happiness and the well-being of those I loved. There was a way to achieve fulfillment in both, a way to break free from the confines of my old life and step into a future filled with joy and authenticity. That's when the Living Blueprint coaching framework was born. Unlike traditional coaching approaches that focus solely on external goals and behaviors, the Living Blueprint delves deep into the core of who we are as individuals. It's about uncovering our true selves, identifying our values and passions, and designing a life that aligns with our authentic desires, while creating our most meaningful relationships.

What sets the Living Blueprint apart is its holistic approach to personal transformation. By integrating principles of self-care, spirituality, and authentic living, it provides a comprehensive roadmap for navigating life's challenges and rediscovering joy. Through my own experience and the experiences of my clients, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of this framework. It's not just about achieving external success—it's about cultivating inner peace, fulfillment, and a deep sense of purpose.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and let's create a life filled with authentic joy, together.


Since working with Wendy Beth and creating my Blueprint, I have more of a purpose. Wendy Beth is an example in my life—somebody that I look up to. I don't have anybody else in my life like that. She changed my outlook when we started working together. She has brought spirituality back into my life. She’s given me so much love and patience with myself. She has taught me to organize myself to a point where I can function on a daily basis. I can't even describe in words the blessing she is in my life. I want to keep learning from her. She is such a great teacher to me. She is an example of the mother that I really would love to be. She has overcome a lot. I feel inspired by her. Truly

JANE Field

“Among the sea of self-proclaimed coaches, Wendy Beth stands out with her genuine education from a reputable university and her well-rounded spiritual work. This unique combination assured me that I was in capable hands, receiving sound advice based on knowledge and not mere opinions. Our collaboration has significantly lightened my mental load, enabling me to approach difficult relationships with less emotional intensity.  This newfound clarity and emotional balance have directly translated into improved confidence and energy levels, as I am now more certain that I am making the right choices for myself.” 

Shannon Claire

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