Do you wear a mask, pretend, lie or just not show up?
1 HR 30 MIN
Online Session
Wearing a mask? Pretending to be something or someone else so that you can get along? Being unapologetically authentic means taking accountability for your decisions in order to achieve your desires, leaving nowhere else for the results of your choices to land except on you. Exciting, right? Absolutely!
Choosing honesty at all costs takes you to your edge, allows you to jump, and is the net that catches you. Never betray yourself again!
If living authentically seems too hard to swallow, I promise that with daily practice, living unapologetically authentic will become second nature.
In time, your truth for you trumps any other person’s truth for you! This comes from a past people pleaser who capitulated to the expectations and opinions of others most of my life.
Not anymore, and I am free to choose who I am and what I want to be! And you can, too!
24 hours