Free Mini-Training For Moms:

3 Simple Steps to Help You Bounce Back From Burnout

and Thrive in Just 20 Mins!

Free Mini Training For Moms:

3 Simple Steps to Help You Bounce Back

from Burnout and Thrive in Just 20 Mins!

In just 20 minutes learn how to:

💪Break free from burnout and feel energized every day, even if you're overwhelmed by daily responsibilities.

💎Find fulfillment in your daily routines and stop feeling stuck in a cycle of exhaustion.

✨Implement self-care practices that truly nourish your mind, body, and soul, reconnecting with your own needs and desires.

❤️Bring intimacy and connection back into your life by setting healthy boundaries, even if you currently feel so drained that intimacy feels like a distant memory.

In just 20 minutes learn how to:

💪Break free from burnout and feel energized every day, even if you're overwhelmed by daily responsibilities.

💎Find fulfillment in your daily routines and stop feeling stuck in a cycle of exhaustion.

✨Implement self-care practices that truly nourish your mind, body, and soul, reconnecting with your own needs and desires.

❤️Bring intimacy and connection back into your life by setting healthy boundaries, even if you currently feel so drained that intimacy feels like a distant memory.

Oh, hey there!

I'm Wendy Beth...

Your Soul Guide, Speaker, and #1 International Bestselling author of the book 'Living Blueprint - A True Story'.

I'm on a mission to empower moms like you, who are exhausted from the constant mom grind and feeling overwhelmed by all those expectations, society piles on.

In this mini training, I'll share practical insights and actionable strategies to help you excel in your work while being present around your family, making time for yourself and doing things you enjoy.

Join me for this free training where we'll ditch the cookie-cutter approach and implement 3 simple steps to overcome burnout and embrace fulfillment.

I'm here to tell you that there is a way out, and you don't have to walk this journey alone.

It's time to prioritize yourself and create the life you deserve minus the mom guilt!

I'll see you there!

Some love words from clients

Since working with Wendy Beth and creating my Blueprint, I have more of a purpose. Wendy Beth is an example in my life—somebody that I look up to. I don't have anybody else in my life like that. She changed my outlook when we started working together. She has brought spirituality back into my life. She’s given me so much love and patience with myself. She has taught me to organize myself to a point where I can function on a daily basis. I can't even describe in words the blessing she is in my life. I want to keep learning from her. She is such a great teacher to me. She is an example of the mother that I really would love to be. She has overcome a lot. I feel inspired by her. Truly.


Leah Lasley

Wendy Beth has put in the time and energy to learn how to communicate in a positive manner with those around her.  She also shared similar life experiences, and I knew she would understand what I was going through because she had already been through it. Also, Wendy Beth has a gentle, soothing energy that calms the soul.  She is the motherly voice that so many of us need when our mothers are not treating us how we want.  She fills a void for me in my life personally.


Villarreal LG

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